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Johann Fischer
Flag Day, 1993 Pencil and colored pencil on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Fischer
Musician, 1985 Pencil and colored pencil on paper Austrian
Johann Fischer
The Mountain Meadows, 1986 Pencil and colored pencil on paper Austrian
Johann Fischer
Woman Ski Jumper, 1986 Pencil and colored pencil on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Fischer
Untitled, 1987 Pencil and colored pencil on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Fischer
Der Zeichner!, 1985 Pencil and colored pencil on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Fischer
Junge Jung Frauen Unbeflekt Schlank Vollschlank Schlank, 1986 Pencil and colored pencil on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Fischer
The First Soccer Team, 1993 Colored pencil and pencil on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Fischer
An Unknown Young Man, 1985 Colored pencil and pencil on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

George Fredericks
Acrobat, n.d. Oil on board EnglishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

George Fredericks
Circus Scene, 1990 Oil on board EnglishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Garber
Ein Leopard, 1989 Mixed media on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Garber
Giraffe, 2002 Ink on paper Austrian
Johann Garber
Picasoo, 1982 Ink on paper Austrian
Johann Garber
Haus der Künstler, 1993 Ink on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Garber
A Primeval Forest, 1982 India ink on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Garber
Ein Giraffe, 2002 Colored pencil on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Johann Garber
Deutschland, Lüneburg, 1992 India ink on paper AustrianDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Madge Gill
Untitled, ca. 1930 Ink on calico fabric BritishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Madge Gill
Untitled, n.d. Ink on card BritishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Madge Gill
Mag Gill Working in her studio British
Madge Gill
Untitled, 1954 Ink on card BritishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Madge Gill
Untitled, n.d. Pen and ink on board British
Brian Gordon
Untitled Engraved slate and painted with Oil British
Brian Gordon
Untitled Engraved slate and painted with Oil British
Brian Gordon
Untitled Engraved slate and painted with Oil British
Jakob Greuter
Zug, 1950 Charcoal on paper SwedishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Jakob Greuter
Velo Oil, pencil, and ink on linen SwedishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Anne Grgich
Cerulean Princess, 1992 Crayon, acrylic, and collage on paper American
Anne Grgich
I Am of Two Minds Crayon, acrylic, and collage on paper American
Anne Grgich
Untitled, 1992 Crayon, acrylic, and collage on paper American
Anne Grgich
Book #6 Elementa, 1994 Acrylic, and collage on paper AmericanDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

William L. Hawkins
Jumbo Elephant #3, 1989 Enamel and mixed media on wood AmericanDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

William L. Hawkins
Sioux Indian on Warpath, 1985 Enamel on masonite American
William L. Hawkins
The Eagle and the Serpent, c. 1981 Mixed media on wood AmericanDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Patrick Hayman
Family Near the Shore, 1981 Oil on board British
Patrick Hayman
Girl on Sofa with Cat, 1963 Gouache on paper BritishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Patrick Hayman
Ibsen and his Family, 1980 Oil on board British
Patrick Hayman
Marriage at Cana, 1987 Oil on canvas BritishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Patrick Hayman
The Settler's House, 1962 Gouache on paper British
Patrick Hayman
Yellow Rose of Texas, 1981 Gouache on paper BritishDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Albert Hoffman
Jacob's Dream Carved and varnished oak AmericanDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Albert Hoffman
Esau Was Not Blessed Carved wood with paint American
Dora Holzhandler
Moses Montefiore Market Jerusalem, 1989 Oil on canvas FrenchDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum

Dora Holzhandler
Untitled n.d. Oil on canvas French
Mr. Imagination
Grotto for Birds, 1996 Concrete and mixed media American
Mr. Imagination
Staff, n.d. Mixed media AmericanDonated to the Milwaukee Art Museum